SAP Cloud for Social Engagement

Social media doesn’t just give us one more way to communicate with customers; it has become an essential part of doing business.  Facebook, Twitter and Linked In, to name a few, are changing to way we interact with others, particularly customers – old and new!

What you may not realize is that social media isn’t just a way to put your message out there; it’s also an excellent way to listen to the wants and needs of your customers.  SAP has designed a cloud solution dedicated to picking out relevant posts and messages among thousands, allowing you to respond quickly and accurately.  Be there for your customers.  Know what they think – the good and the bad.  What better way to show you care than to respond to their concerns and act on their invaluable insight.  Enterprise data, team collaboration and customer insight is a combination that will sling shot you ahead of competition and to the front of your customers’ minds.

Social Media ListeningSAP Cloud for Social Engagement

You know the word listening and you know the phrase Social Media, but have you heard of Social Media Listening?  SAP has, and they’ve designed SAP Cloud for Social Engagement to do just that: listen to your customers by locating social media messages that mention key words such as a specific product and prioritizing them according to urgency and relevance.  The cloud application utilizes knowledge of brand-level trends and buzzwords to sort through thousands of entries and present them to you in an orderly fashion.

Real-Time Facebook and Twitter Message Response

SAP Cloud for Social Engagement allows you to prioritize, route and view messages from multiple social media accounts including Facebook and Twitter in real-time.  Tag, flag and organize messages to keep you and your team up to speed.  Take full advantage of Cloud for Social Engagement by collaborating with your team in order to provide the absolute best responses to comments and posts.   Utilize the integrated social knowledgebase and preconfigured templates in tandem with the shear speed of the cloud application to respond quickly and consistently to current and potential clients.

Complete Social Profile and History

It is impossible to get a complete profile of customer through a single post, but what if you could string together a collection of relevant social media interactions in order to formulate a coherent profile and history of a customer?  What if you could add context to a customer and put a face to the name.  SAP Cloud for Social Engagement will show you a customer’s public profile along with a chronological map, or timeline, of relevant interactions between the client and your company.  Determine the extent of the each customer’s influence on the world of social media.  What are they saying about you?  Will their comments affect the decisions of others?  Will that influence be positive?  Or negative?  Combine the information available via social media with enterprise data in order to take advantage of a 360◦ view of each client.


We all know the importance of metrics.  In fact, metrics are becoming increasingly important in the realm of social media.  Go above beyond the number of Twitter followers and Facebook likes.  Gain real-time insight into key trends and topics being discussed by your very own customers.  Embedded charts and dashboards within Cloud for Social Engagement allow you to gather and dissect critical information about your customers that will support future decision-making.  Measure your team’s performance and impact with built-in KPIs.  Apply tag clouds in order to explore messages and analyze the makeup of your audience.  You can do it all in SAP Cloud for Social Engagement.

Solution Overview (PDF): Transforming Customer Service With Social Media