Enterprise Asset Management & Monitoring Systems for the Food & Beverage Industry

The truth about working in the food industry is that nearly every commodity under your umbrella is perishable. From the raw materials to the finished product, your company contends with an inflexible time limit. Enterprise asset management and monitoring systems are available to ensure that you can safely deliver food and beverage perishables to their destination without compromising on overall quality. It’s an important standard to live up to, but the nature of transportation means there’s always room for failure and loss of value.

Every aspect of your company needs effective maintenance to optimize organizational structure, with your transportation channels being no exception. While en route, without the right kind of technological support informing your teams of changes in delivery environment, there’s very little that can be done to safeguard food and beverage safety standards without transparency into sudden shifts and changes that warrant attention. Domain Technology Group provides specialized technologies and services designed to broaden your scope across your organizational shipping infrastructure, enabling your teams to react in real-time for delivering the highest quality produce.

Enterprise Asset Management & Monitoring Systems for the Food & Beverage Industry

Preserving Quality and Integrity

Traditional shipping methods, in most cases, relied only on the capabilities of the individual crews assigned to each vessel. The margin for product losses, either due to elements such as temperature, water, or time, was higher, meaning companies could lose more revenue on what used to be unavoidable factors.

Times have changed, moving beyond overseas delivery. Technology has advanced to provide better refrigeration techniques, scheduling, transport times, and storage capacity than at any other point in history. Even so, perishable commodities such as raw meats, vegetables, liquids, spices, and so on are still vulnerable to their environments. Whether it’s by truck, plane, ship, or train, by the time someone has realized something has gone wrong with their shipment, it’s usually too late to do anything about it.

Providing your company with insight into the status of your in-transit goods is the chief concern of Domain Technology Group’s SenseIT IoT technology. Rather than blindly sending your products around the world with nothing but faith that they’ll arrive safe and sound, we provide extensive resources to monitor, manage, and aggregate shipping information in real time, every step of the way.

SenseIT aggregates shipment information from your ERP with sensor tracking data from around the globe. Any time a significant alteration in your shipment’s immediate environment occurs, SenseIT leverages the power of SAP HANA in the cloud to generate an immediate alert in combination with a detailed analytical report outlining the issue. This accelerates response times and is indispensable for maintaining high food and beverage quality standards.

Through a network of cellular sensors, geospatial maps, alerting algorithms, and analytical reports, Domain Technology Group broadens your company oversight for full transparency into your entire shipping infrastructure. You’re provided with deeply insightful data compiled into legible, prioritized reports detailing the condition of your worldwide product shipments.

When you need effective enterprise asset management and monitoring systems for the food and beverage industry, Domain Technology Group offers the services you need. If you’re interested in a partnership, visit our contact page so we can get started.